Monday, December 21, 2009

More study rooms and more laptops

Thank you for suggesting the need for more quiet study rooms and more laptops. The library staff realize that there is a great need for quiet study space in the library. During exams, several rooms were designated "no talk" zones and this practice will continue in the future. As you know, the library is almost always busy and, when you have so many people in a small space, it's impossible to control the noise. It's important for everyone who uses the library to be respectful of the needs of others and to confine talking to those areas, especially on the first floor, that are designed for collaborative work.

Laptop lending is still problematic for several reasons. The laptops frequently have bad batteries that are not charging properly; all updates need to be current before they can be connected to the network; and, many come back for check-in with just a lot of junk on them that needs to be cleared before the next checkout. For next semester, the library will be adding some MacBooks and some additional desktop computers to help alleviate the demands.

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